How To Get the Most Out of Your Cleaning
These are some tips to make sure that you, as a client, get the best results from your cleaning experience with Sunrise.
People’s needs change, so we encourage the client to speak with us if there are specific changes needed for any particular cleaning session. If more time is needed, we will make arrangements with your cleaner to have more time.
Tracy-Tracy prides herself on her hands-on approach, taking great care in preparing clients’ quotes and assessing their needs. She also is very involved with the worker’s training. In spite of this, a worker might occasionally overlook an instruction. If this happens, it is critical that you contact the office within 24 hrs. so that immediate steps can be taken to remedy this oversight. View our policies and guarantees.

Take a few minutes that morning or the night before to pick up your place. Think about how much stuff the cleaner will have to move to clean under or around. Group things together or pile up your papers. If you have a lot of bathroom/dresser-top items, put them in a basket or cabinet for the day. Saving worker’s time on non-cleaning-related activities translates to more actual cleaning time for your dollar.
Since dishwashing is a job that must be done properly and carefully, it can be a rather time-consuming task. So unless you just hate doing dishes, you might prefer the worker’s time be spent doing more energy-intense tasks.

Sunrise Cleaning Service provides most of the supplies needed to clean an average home. However certain features of your home may require a cleaning tool that we don’t have. If you do have such tools available notify your cleaner. Or if you need to find a tool (such as a long poll for cobwebs, swifter, or dust mops for large hardwood floors) let us know and we will gladly help you find one at a good price. Visit our Products page if you are interested in purchasing one of our environmentally friendly cleaning kits, for those in-between-cleaning needs.
Sunrise Cleaning Service’s office hours are from 8 am to 6 pm, M-F, with 24/7 monitored message service when calling for urgent issues.