Policies & Guarantees


We are pleased that you have selected Sunrise Cleaning Service to evaluate your cleaning needs. After your no-charge estimate takes place we start the process of customizing a cleaning for you. If for any reason you elect to change your mind after the estimate, please let us know within 24 hours at (831) 332-1909. Once your cleaning date and time have been confirmed, we require a 24-hour cancellation notice prior to your scheduled cleaning. Without a 24-hour notification, there will be a 50% charge of the scheduled cleaning charges. This charge also applies to lockouts or forgotten appointments.

We appreciate your understanding of how important good communication is to us. What sets us apart from other cleaning companies is our level of commitment to you, our flexible scheduling, and our ability to work with your requests. In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with your cleaning, please notify us within 24 hours. Arrangements will then be made to rectify your concerns. Without your prompt feedback, we can only believe the job was completed to your satisfaction.


Clients must not directly solicit or engage the services of our workers, except through Sunrise Cleaning Service. Our workers have agreed, in writing, that they will not accept direct employment from any client of Sunrise Cleaning Service. This agreement remains in effect during the time that workers are established with Sunrise and for a period of one year after. Any such solicitation (from you the client) of our workers while under contract with our company, and for a period of one year after their contract termination, will be viewed as an intentional act on your part to interfere with the contract rights of Sunrise Cleaning Service and can result in damages and attorneys fees against you. Jurisdiction for this contract is in the County of Santa Cruz.